Flat screen TV installation
What entertainment room is complete without a flat screen TV?
Mounting your television needs to be completed correctly to avoid accidents and extensive damage to the television or the things you love. Without proper installation, a television accident could be costly.
Choosing the correct mounting bracket that suits the size of the television and is also UL listed is one of the most important aspects in television installation.
Our electricians know the proper mounting equipment and installation procedures, such as placing bolts into solid studs to ensure a firm hold and leveling the television, so you can entertain without worry.
Moving Outlets and Cable to appropriate locations
No one wants to see wires running down a wall from a flat screen TV! Let Kratt Electric, Inc. clean it up by fishing all 120-volt lines and cable lines through partitions between studs.
Not only can we fish behind walls, but we can also make plugging your television in a mystery by installing an outlet behind the TV.